The seventh tournament of the @lantic 7's series moves to HS Wesvalia in Klerksdorp on Saturday, 06 October. The player of the tournament will be invited to attend a training camp with the national 7's team at the end of the year and will also be part of a youth team to tour Dubai at the end of November. The @lantic Youth team will play against international youth teams in Dubai, as well as training matches against the national teams from South Africa and other countries.
Saturday's first match starts at 08:30 with the Cup final being played at 16:30.
The participating teams this Saturday are: HS Wesvalia, Klerksdorp Hoërskool (KHS), HTS Klerksdorp, HTS Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom Volkskool, Hoërskool Waterkloof, Hoërskool Overkruin, Hoërskool Middelburg, Zeerust , Coligny , Lichtenburg, Grenswag , Southern East, Southern West, Central and Bojanala.
The winners of the first six @lantic tournaments are:
Pretoria - Affies
Vereeniging - Monument
Upington - Upington Hoërskool
Durban - Sharks Academy
Middelburg - Ermelo Hoërskool
Polokwane - Hoërskool Ben Vorster
The players of the @lantic tournaments are:
Pretoria - Gerrit van den Heever (Affies)
Vereeniging - GD Kotzee (Volkskool Heidelberg)
Upington - Joubert Engelbrecht (HS Upington)
Durban - Brian Shabangu (Glenwood)
Middelburg - Abednego Mamushi (Middelburg Hoërskool)
Polokwane - Glen Mafumo (Hoërskool Ben Vorster)
Die sewende toernooi van die @lantic 7's reeks vind Saterdag 06 Oktober plaas te HS Wesvalia in Klerksdorp. Die speler van die toernooi sal genooi word om 'n oefenkamp saam met die nasionale 7's span by te woon aan die einde van die jaar en sal ook 'n lid wees van 'n jeugspan wat aan die einde van November na Doebai toer. Die @lantic Jeugspan sal in aksie wees teen ander internasionale jeugspanne en sal selfs in oefenwedstryde betrokke wees teen die nasionale spanne van Suid-Afrika en ander lande.
Saterdag se eerste wedstryd skop om 08:30 af met die Beker-finaal wat om 16:30 plaasvind.
Die deelnemende spanne Saterdag is: HS Wesvalia, Klerksdorp Hoërskool (KHS), HTS Klerksdorp, HTS Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom Volkskool, Hoërskool Waterkloof, Hoërskool Overkruin, Hoërskool Middelburg, Zeerust , Coligny , Lichtenburg, Grenswag , Southern East, Southern West, Central and Bojanala.
Die eerste ses wenners van die @lantic toernooie is:
Pretoria - Affies
Vereeniging - Monument
Upington - Upington Hoërskool
Durban - Sharks Akademie
Middelburg - Ermelo Hoërskool
Polokwane - Hoërskool Ben Vorster
Die spelers van die @lantic toernooie is:
Pretoria - Gerrit van den Heever (Affies)
Vereeniging - GD Kotzee (Volkskool Heidelberg)
Upington - Joubert Engelbrecht (HS Upington)
Durban - Brian Shabangu (Glenwood)
Middelburg - Abednego Mamushi (Middelburg Hoërskool)
Polokwane - Glen Mafumo (Hoërskool Ben Vorster)